In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data (RGPD) and LO 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD), we inform you about the processing of the personal data that you provide us through this Website
Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?
Company Name: PRI BURGOS SL
CIF: B09335845
Complete postal address: C/ Juan Ramón Jiménez s/n, Pentasa III, Nave 96 CP 09007 Burgos
Telephone: 947489799
Contact email:
For what purpose will we process your personal data?
As a Web User (contact form / emails sent to the email addresses that appear on the page): Your data will be used to respond to your requests for information, comments or suggestions, through the contact section or the email addresses that appear. on our page and maintain communication with the interested party
As a follower on RRSS: The data that you have provided to the social network will be used to maintain mutual monitoring of our accounts and to always be able to contact you through the chosen social network. We will manage communications through them and in accordance with the terms and conditions of each social network. You will always receive the information through the social network in question and as long as you are a follower of the person responsible for it. Each of these social networks has its own terms and conditions and are entities outside of us.
As a Blog user: To comment on news on our blog, the user must provide the data requested as it is necessary for its management. Your email address will not be published. Your data will be used to send you an email with the comments made to the entry you have commented on and/or notify you of new entries on the blog, if you choose this option.
As a candidate: Your personal data will be used for the purpose of evaluating your professional career in the personnel selection processes that we carry out.
What is the legitimacy for the processing of your personal data?
As a Website User: Consent/request for pre-contractual measures (request for a quote or specific information about a product or service) in accordance with Art. 6.1.a) and Art.6.1. b) of the GDPR respectively
As a follower on RRSS: Consent of the interested party Art. 6.1.a) of the RGPD
As a Blog user: Consent of the interested party Art. 6.1.a) of the RGPD
As a candidate: Consent of the interested party Art. 6.1.a) of the RGPD
How long will we keep your personal data?
As a Website User: Conserved until its purpose is fulfilled or until you revoke the consent given.
As a follower on RRSS: They will be kept until you revoke the consent given or stop following us or mark I no longer like it.
As a Blog user: They will be kept until you revoke the consent given.
As a candidate: They will be kept until you revoke the consent given. If you do not exercise this right, we will proceed to cancel them within a period of one year.
Will we transfer your personal data?
As a Website User: Your personal data will not be transferred except by legal obligation
As a follower on RRSS: Your personal data will not be transferred except by legal obligation
As a Blog user: Your personal data will not be transferred except by legal obligation, but you must bear in mind that your name or Nick along with your comment on the blog will be published.
As a candidate: Your personal data will not be transferred except by legal obligation
What rights do you have when you provide us with your personal data?
As an interested party, you have the rights indicated below, but keep in mind that in the case of social networks we access the personal data that appears in your profile as a result of the mutual monitoring carried out on our Facebook Pinterest or Instagram accounts exclusively. Therefore, we understand that the exercise of the rights over your personal data must be carried out on the social network itself, despite which we inform you of which they are.
Right of Access: You have the right to know if your data is being processed and to receive that information in writing through the requested means.
Right of Rectification: You have the right to request rectification of your data if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
You have the right to request the suppression of your data, however, you must bear in mind that the right to deletion is limited when there is a legal obligation to retain or block your data.
In certain circumstances, interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of your data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims, the protection of third parties or for reasons of important public interest.
In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, you may stand against to the processing of your data. The person responsible will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.
When the processing of your data is based on consent or is necessary for the execution of a contract or pre-contract and is carried out by automated means, you will have the right to portability of your data, that is, to have it delivered in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, even to send it to a new person in charge.
Any interested party can file a claim before the Control Authority competent in matters of Data Protection, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights and the way to contact it would be to write to the Spanish Agency for the Protection of Personal Data at C/Jorge Juan n.º 6, 28001 Madrid or through its electronic headquarters at
The models for requesting the exercise of your rights are found in the Privacy Policies / rights section of our website. You can also request them in writing to the address of the person responsible and you can even obtain them at the electronic headquarters of the Control Authority at and must be sent to the postal or electronic address of the person responsible.