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Do you recommend putting wallpaper in the kitchen?

The kitchen is, in many cases, the core of the home; in addition to the place where we cook, it can also be the meeting and celebration area with family and friends around which family life in our homes revolves. If you have a kitchen with two rooms (kitchen and dining area), wallpaper is ideal to add a touch of exclusivity to the kitchen.

We are totally in favor of wallpaper in the kitchen, but always use vinyl wallpaper (wallpaper that incorporates vinyl paper on the paper layer that insulates against humidity and makes cleaning easier with a damp cloth), they are more resistant than conventional papers.

It is not advisable to wallpaper the areas near the fire and/or sink... no matter how resistant the current wallpapers are, we always recommend placing ceramic tiles in the kitchen work areas.

It is in the dining area where wallpaper is usually placed, to highlight this area and/or delimit both environments.

How to choose the wallpaper design? You don't have to choose culinary motifs, the truth is that you can place stripes, flowers or any other decorative style, but always try to match it with the general style of the kitchen (the furniture, the countertop...) and the rest of the decoration elements.

Wallpaper adds a touch of class to kitchen design that tiles are not normally able to achieve, although it must be said that ceramic manufacturers have innovated a lot in recent years by creating unique materials.

In general, wallpaper will be a little cheaper than ceramic, although it always depends on the material you choose. You must take into account the previous preparation of the wall, which must be perfectly smooth for the correct placement of the paper.

For the wallpaper in your kitchen to be a success, it is important to choose the area that we are going to wallpaper well, so that it draws attention but without being overly so, so a small wall will be more than enough to provide that touch of exclusivity and distinction. We must start and finish in the corner, so that the finish is perfect.

You have to try to make it a “main wall”; This is a wall that is visible as soon as you enter the kitchen and, if possible, does not have doors, windows, radiators, etc. so that the wall paper can take center stage.

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