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What style is the decoration of my house?
When you begin to furnish your home, many doubts arise about the style of decoration that best fits the space, which
Do you recommend putting wallpaper in the kitchen?
The kitchen is, in many cases, the nucleus of the home; in addition to the place of cooking, it can also be the meeting and celebration area.
Elimination of architectural barriers
We are currently working on replacing the existing elevator in a Community of Owners with a larger one that allows its use.
Laying a wooden floor without wood
Wooden floors are preferred by most of us to place in our homes, offices, businesses... since they provide warmth and
How important it is to be well isolated
At some point we have all dreamed of having the house of our dreams...and of course it is important; but so that that dream does not
Renovate the bathroom: whim or necessity?
The truth is that nowadays any expense you have to make at home is an effort on the family economy. Maybe the pipes